Internal Control System

The internal control system of the Development Bank is a combination  of internal control, internal audit, organizational chart, local regulatory legal acts defining the  strategy, policy, methods and procedures of internal control as well as powers and responsibilities of the Bank’s  management bodies and officers.

The purpose of internal control functioning in the Development Bank is to provide for the following:

  • financial reliability, sustainable, safe and liquid  functioning of the Development Bank as a specialized financial institution;

  • credibility, completeness, fairness and timeliness of creating and presenting of financial, accounting, statistical,  management and other statements

  • compliance with legislation of the Republic of Belarus, local regulatory legal acts, international banking practices and   standards, other indicators  required for  successful performance of the Development Bank, prevention of sanctions and claims from the controlling bodies being imposed, penalties  by counter-parties, loss of  business reputation or significant  financial losses;

  • efficiency in banking risks management, assets and liabilities management including  assets soundness and information security;
  • excluding of the Development Bank and its employees being involved into  unlawful activities, including money laundering and financing of terrorism and spreading of mass destruction weapons.

The internal control is effected  throughout all levels of the Development Bank’s management and organization in accordance with the Articles of Association and other local regulatory legal acts of the Development Bank and is performed  by the General Shareholders’ Meeting, Revision Commission, Supervisory Board of the Development Bank, Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of the Development Bank, Management Board of the Development Bank, Chairman and Deputy Chairpersons of the Management Board, the Chief Accountant, Committees established in line with  the resolutions of the Management Board, an officer responsible for  the internal control in the Development Bank, by Internal Control Unit, Internal Audit Unit, departments and branch offices of the Development Bank and employees of all levels in accordance with the authorities and duties stipulated by  local regulatory legal acts of the Development Bank.

An officer responsible for internal control is appointed within the Development Bank who coordinates and  monitors  the activities of the departments and their employees performing  internal control in separate Development Bank’s  departments and (or) in separate areas of activities; arranges for  elaboration of local regulatory legal acts regulating the internal control arrangement, provides for creating  of management reports regarding  internal control state in the Development Bank and for their  presentation to the Development Bank’s management bodies.

As approved by the Supervisory Board (resolution dd 20.09.2017 No20) the Head of Internal Control Unit N.N.Kostenevich is appointed an officer responsible for internal control in the Development Bank.

The Internal Control system of the Development Bank is arranged in such a way as to  exclude the conflict of interests including  between  departments (officers) conducting internal control and departments (officers)  subject to internal control.

The Development Bank is conducting  preliminary, current and consequent  control within all  areas of the Development Bank’s operations.

The Development Bank  is conducting internal monitoring  of the internal control system on an ongoing basis by means of  supervision  over the  functioning of internal control system throughout all levels  of management.

The internal control system of the Development Bank is checked by the Internal Audit Unit.