Preservation of Culture

“Culture is memory. That is why it is related to history and always implies continuity of moral, intellectual, spiritual life of  society and mankind”


Project “Cultural heritage of Belarus”

Since 2015 the Development Bank has been implementing its own social project “Cultural Heritage of Belarus” with an aim to facilitate a deeper acquaintance of a wide audience with cultural riches of Belarusian people. Within the frames of the project the Bank annually publishes album books devoted to remarkable events and prominent figures of national culture and arts.

So far the Bank has published 7 albums:

  1. Album “Alexandr Kishchenko. The Chronicler of the 20th century” (year 2015);

  2. Album “Turov Rhapsody” (2016)

  3. Album “The Symphony of Centuries” (2017)

  4. Album "UNESCO Treasures of Belarus" (2018);

  5. Album "Living Culture of Belarus" (2019);

  6. Album "Tree Beekeeping – Binding the Times" (2020)

  7. Album "Journey to Bread" (2021)

Albums of the project “Cultural Heritage of Belarus” take the rightful place in the collections of both connoisseurs and amateurs of Belarusian culture, and are sent free of charge to diplomatic representatives, consular offices and representative offices of international organizations in the Republic of Belarus.

Organization and holding of exhibitions

In May 2014 the Development Bank held an exhibition of a unique art work of Honoured Artist of Belarus A.M.Kishchenko “The Tapestry of the Century”. During the week the art work was visited by more than 1 200 residents and guests of our capital city.

In 2015 the Development Bank became a general partner of an exhibition “From Realism to Impressionism” (paintings of 19th-20th centuries) from the collection of the Sate Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow). The exhibition was held in the National Arts Museum of the Republic of Belarus. The exhibition presented works of art by famous artists – Vasiliy Vereshchagin, Issak Levitan, Vasiliy Polenov, Ivan Shishkin, Alexey Savrasov, Ilya Repin, Konstantin Korovin and many others. All works were exhibited in Minsk for the first time.

In November 2016 the  Development Bank’s head office again became the site for exhibiting art works of national artists. “Colours of Belarus” – this poetic theme unites the pictures of Vasiliy Yasyuk and Yuriy Khilko.

In January 2017 on Christmas Eve the Development Bank announced opening of a charity selling exhibition of paintings created by the charges of Minsk psychoneurologic nursing home  No2. The exhibition was organized with support from fraternity of St. Spyridon of Trimython, members of which are engaged in missionary, educational, charity activities, helping to hospitals, children’s care homes. During the month the employees of the Development Bank could get acquainted with the pictures and purchase the paintings they liked most.

In March 2017 in the Bank’s head office the exhibition of innovative, applied and decorative arts achievements of pupils and staff of vocational and secondary professional educational establishments of Vitebsk region was opened. The exhibition displayed the achievements in developing  Belarusian national applied arts and included more than 200 works from osier,  straw, wood, ceramics, metal, original dolls, paintings, etc.