Information Disclosure

In accordance with the Bank’s information disclosure policy, JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” provides you with the following data:

  1. Name, information about residence, state registration of the Bank, (registered number in the Unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, date of the Resolution on the state registration), data about banking operations performed without obtaining a special permit (license) to carry out bank activities pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 21, 2011 No. 261 “On establishment of Open Joint-Stock Company “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”, special permits (licenses), complete text of the Bank’s Articles of Association, amount of the statutory fund, working hours and contact phone numbers;
  2. Information on charges (fees) for banking operations and other services, settlement procedure and other data;
  3. Information on the Bank’s organizational structure in terms of regions (regions and the city of Minsk) as well as on Bank’s representative offices: name, place of residence , working hours (for branch offices) and contact phone numbers;
  4. Composition (Chairman, independent directors, state representatives in the Bank’s management bodies, other members) of the Supervisory Board of the Bank: surname, first name, patronymic name (if any), principal place of work (position) and (or) information about carrying out activities as an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer, qualification and professional experience, membership (management) in committees established by the Supervisory Board of the Bank;
  5. Composition (members) of the Management Board: surname, first name, patronymic name (if any), position, qualifications and professional experience, authorities (matters in charge), procedure (schedule) of visitors’ reception;
  6. Values of indicators describing the Bank’s performance of normative standards of secure functioning as established by the National Bank;
  7. The amount of actually set up and required special reserves to cover possible losses on assets and off-balance operations not reflected on the balance sheet on the 1st day of the month;
  8. Information on the Bank’s ownership structure: Bank’s shareholders and other beneficial owners holding 5 and more per cent of the Bank’s shares: name and country of residence (for legal entities), surname, first name, patronymic name (if any) and the country of residence (for physical persons);
  9. The full annual financial statements and reports on the Bank's activities generated in accordance with the national standards of financial reporting, accounting (financial) reporting, other regulatory legal acts on accounting, accounting (financial) reporting (NSFR), except for information constituting banking, commercial and other secrets protected by the law, as well as the auditor's opinion made on the outcome of the annual accounting audit;
  10.  Information on the indicators characterizing the financial position, income, expenses and profit or loss of the Bank in the scope of the balance sheet and profit and loss statement prepared in accordance with clause 12-4 of the Instruction on the procedure of compiling and presenting prudential statements, presenting individual accounting (financial) statements, approved by Resolution of the Management Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 172 dd October 31, 2006 as of April 1, July 1 and October 1;
  11.  Strategic plan of the Bank’s development and the report on its implementation for January,1 of the year following the report year in the volume securing the confidentiality of  information containing banking, commercial and other secrets protected by law;
  12.  Description of risk management and internal control system in the volume securing confidentiality of information containing banking, commercial and other secrets protected by the  law, data on the Bank’s officers responsible for Bank’s risk management and internal control, their appointment and discharge from duties;
  13.  Professional ethics’ principles and standards;
  14.  The Bank’s policy on information disclosure as stipulated by local regulatory legal acts of the Bank;
  15.  Description of the Bank’s policy on excluding the conflict of interests and conditions for its occurrence, policy on remuneration of the Bank’s management and employees; 
  16.  The Bank's policy on prevention and detection of financial operations related to legalization of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism and spreading of mass destruction  weapons;
  17.  Personal Data Processing Policy of JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” and the List of personal data, processed by JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”;
  18.  Press releases, messages containing important information about changes in the activities, organizational structure, ownership structure and status of the Bank;
  19.  Outsourcing information;
  20.  Data on the types of activities of the bank holding;
  21.  The composition of the bank holding: the name of legal entities, the addresses of their Internet sites, the structure of mutual participation of the participants of the banking holding, including the share of participation;
  22.  Full annual consolidated accounting (financial) statements of the bank holding company, drawn up in accordance with the NFRS, with the exception of information constituting banking, commercial and other secrets protected by law, as well as the auditor's report on the statements;
  23.  Full annual consolidated financial statements of the bank holding company prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and their Interpretations adopted by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, as well as the auditor's report on the financial statements;
  24.  Full interim (quarterly) consolidated financial statements of the bank holding company for two quarters (Q1 and Q2) prepared in accordance with IFRS, as well as the independent auditors' report on the review of the financial statement;
  25.  Press releases, messages containing material information on changes in the activities, composition, ownership structure and state of the bank holding.

Please be informed that there are no established requirements for compliance with normative standards of secure functioning for the bank holding whose parent organization is JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus".