"One must never stop learning".
Sun Tzu
Program of International Entrepreneurship Forum
In 2015-2019, the Development Bank was a co-organizer of the Global Entrepreneurship Week within the frames of the International Entrepreneurship Forum. Annually numerous Forum’s visitors from Belarus and a wide range of foreign states shared their experience in the area of developing business and implementing of innovations, discussed financial instruments for business support, angel investment and future trends.
Participation in the Global money week
Traditionally, within the framework of the Global money week numerous activities are carried out across Belarus, aimed at increasing the financial literacy of the younger generation.
In 2018 within the framework of the Week the Development Bank visited the secondary school No. 95 in Minsk. The meeting was attended by students of the tenth and eleventh grades. The staff told the children about the activities of the Development Bank and the main tasks that are put before this financial institution, as well as introduced the financial program for supporting SMEs initiated and developed by the Bank.
In 2021 within the framework of the Week employees of the Development Bank held a number of meetings and events in educational institutions in Minsk (school No. 61), Grodno (schools No. 8, 20, gymnasium No. 6) and Grodno region (Loikovskaya school), as well as the meeting in online format with students of the 7th grades of educational institutions in Grodno (gymnasiums No. 1, 3, 4, 9 and school No. 26).
Support for the 1st and 2nd open Academic Olympics in the global economy
In 2017, the Development Bank acted as a partner of the first and second open Academic Olympics in the world economy, organized by the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University. The main objectives of the Academic Olympics are to increase the interest of students in fields in the issues of the world economy and the development of entrepreneurship. A special prize from the Development Bank was an internship at the Bank for one of the teams.
Support to “Bridge” educational platform
The Development Bank actively supports educational platform “Bridge” the main objective of which is to enhance the knowledge and practical skills in the business field for Belarusian students and recent graduates.
Bridge’s mission includes two major aspects: helping students to adjust to real life beyond the university’s walls and helping employers to participate in economic educational system and to get access to talented, promising and motivated for development and achievements students. The Bridge project includes three units, each of them focuses upon studies of definite business areas, forming peculiar skills for the students’ future successful career.
The project instructors are highly-qualified specialists who know firsthand about problems and peculiarities of real business functioning, most required expertise and business solutions.
During the years of cooperation more than 500 students from higher educational establishments of Minsk, Grodno, Brest and other Belarusian cities took part in the project sessions.
Support to a TV project “My Business”
From 2015 the Development Bank has been the partner of ONT TV channel in the unique for Belarus project “My Business” which is focused upon developing and supporting of small and medium entrepreneurship.
In 2016 one of the mentors of the 2nd season became a member of the Supervisory Board of the Development Bank Daniel Krutzinna. More than 800 participants from all over Belarus presented their business ideas. The program’s finalists received not only financial support for their projects but also qualified recommendations for their business development from well-known businessmen and representatives of leading Belarusian companies.
The project raised interest with mass-media, received numerous positive responses from business community.