Pursuant to the Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dd July 10, 2020 No414 “On measures to realize the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dd December 19, 2019 No467” the Development Bank finances the independently selected commercial investment projects
(1) (except for investment projects to be realized within the frames of government programs and resolution of the President of the Republic of Belarus), which shall meet one of the following requirements:
- the amount of capital expenses with value-added tax on the investment project makes at least BYN 40 million;
- dynamic payback period of the project is not less than 7 years.
The volume of financing to be granted:
- shall not exceed 85 per cent of the amount of investment costs with value-added tax as specified by the investment project;
The period of loan granting:
- is determined on the basis of dynamic payback period of the project and shall not exceed 15 years unless specified otherwise by the executive decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
The repayment of the principal amount shall start:
- after the facility is put into operation (reaches the projected capacity);
Interest shall be paid:
- monthly starting from the month following the month of loan granting.
As performance bond on loan agreements the Development Bank shall accept all types of security as specified by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Requirements to the investment projects:
The Development Bank shall finance commercial investment projects subject to their efficiency and financial feasibility.
The investment project efficiency is assessed by means of comparing the efficiency parameters calculated according to the investment project business-plan with criteria of efficient projects as defined by local legal acts of the Development Bank.
The Development Bank is entitled to determine the cases when an applicant (borrower) submits comprehensive information on the investment project planned for realization and forms of such information presentation.
For loan application to be approved by the authorized corporate body of the Development Bank the applicant is to submit a set of documents in accordance with the Bank’s local regulatory acts available on page "
Sets of documents".
Alesya Yakimush
Head of Client Management Department
tel: +375 (17) 309 68 01, +375 (17) 309 68 89, mob.: +375 (29) 603 38 94
Specialists of Client Management Department in branches:
+375 (162) 53 76 35 (Brest); +375 (212) 64 65 41(Vitebsk);
+375 (232) 26 33 49 (Gomel); +375 (152) 75 43 39 (Grodno);
+375 (17) 309 68 65, +375 (17) 309 68 67 (Minsk);
+375 (222) 64 40 11 (Mogilev).
(1) Investment project independently selected by the Development Bank is an investment project aimed at investments in equity, including intangible assets, among others for the purposes of developing innovations, creating of new, reconstruction (modernization) and (or) technical re-equipment of existing productions, increasing of energy efficiency and efficient usage of natural resources, environmental protection and ecological situation improvement.