In accordance with the Regulation on management of family funds by JSC Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus as approved by the Resolution of the Supervisory Board dd 26.02.2015 minutes No1, the Development Bank can invest family funds into the following financial instruments:

  1. Loans in US Dollars granted to the residents of the Republic of Belarus for implementation of commercial and infrastructure investment projects, including by means of debt refinancing in resident banks under earlier concluded loan agreements for commercial investment projects realization;
  2. Deposits in US Dollars with partner banks for financing of small and medium-sized enterprises;
  3. Government securities of the Republic of Belarus, denominated in US Dollars;
  4. Bonds of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus denominated in US Dollars;
  5. Bonds issued by local executive and regulatory bodies of the Republic of Belarus denominated in US Dollars;
  6. Deposits with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus in US Dollars;
  7. Corporate bonds of the residents of the Republic of Belarus denominated in US Dollars;
  8. Bonds of the resident banks of the Republic of Belarus denominated in US Dollars;
  9. Deposits in US Dollars with resident banks of the Republic of Belarus;
  10. Loans in US Dollars granted to resident banks of the Republic of Belarus;
  11. Funds in US Dollars in correspondent accounts.

Investing family funds into other financial instruments is not allowed.

The structure of the family funds investment portfolio is formed pursuant to the requirements of the Bank’s Credit Policy.

According to the requirements of the Credit Policy of JSC Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Supervisory Board of the Development Bank dd 12.04.2021, minutes No15, the amount of family capital for the portfolio investment in infrastructure projects on concessional terms can be up to 440 million US dollars, but not more than 70% of the amount of family capital available to the Bank.