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The Development Bank held the first year-end ceremony of the Bridge educational project

The Development Bank pays special attention to increasing the business literacy level of the population of the Republic of Belarus. At present the Bank supports educational platform, the main objective of which is to enhance the knowledge and practical skills in the business field for Belarusian students and recent graduates.

On May 25 on the Bank’s premises and with its support the closing ceremony of the first 2015\2016 academic year of Bridge educational project was held. More than 40 project graduates were awarded with commemorative certificates and gifts from the project partners.

The participants with excellent results during the academic year in one of the three project areas (excellent results in home tasks, tests, very active during the trainings sessions and having medal places during the case championships) were awarded with so-called golden certificates and gifts, and four of the graduates – Artyem Bayko, Evelina Dvoryanchik, Alexey Shakun and Sergey Sergeychik were awarded with the platinum certificates thanks to their excellent results in several areas at once.

The Bridge project monitors also summarized the academic year noting the activity and expansion of the project among the Belarusian students as in the events of the Bridge project more than 500 students from higher educational establishments of Minsk, Grodno, Pinsk, Brest and other Belarusian cities took part. The project monitors particularly highlighted the invited guests and experts who also participated in the project events and the partner companies of the case championships, that is FC Krumkachy and MFC Stolitsa, Zubr Capital and School of Robotics.

The jewel of the grand final became a lecture of the founder of Internet shop Sergey Vaynilovich.
Sergey spoke about the current situation in e-commerce market of the Republic of Belarus, how his business appeared and shared his ideas of personal success in life and work.

The first academic year of Bridge educational project is officially closed. The graduates and project participants are getting ready for exams and vacations during which many of them can become trainees in the partner companies of the project.