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Information on the form of applications and the list of documents in respect of Eurobonds of the JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”

Dear holders of the Eurobonds of the JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”!

Due to the stipulation by the Bank of Russia of the procedure for payments on the eurobonds of the JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus” as the procedure was published at the Bank of Russia’s web-site on July 29, 2024, the Development Bank asks the esteemed noteholders, in case of interest in settling the issue of payments, to sign in their own handwriting and notarize the application for fulfillment of obligations on eurobonds in Belarusian rubles or the application for redemption of eurobonds (in compliance with the requirements of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No.381 dated May 28, 2024 “About making certain operations with securities of joint-stock company “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”).

You can send the relevant application and documents according to the list in the form of originals on paper to the postal address: 35 Masherov Avenue, Minsk, 220002, JSC “Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus”, with the note “To fulfill obligations under the Development Bank Eurobonds”.

The Development Bank will notify noteholders if any further action is required.

This publication reflects the status of the payment issue at the time of publication, however, given the dynamic nature of the situation, the Development Bank acknowledges that the status of the issue may change by the time stakeholders become aware of this publication.