The Chairman of the Management Board of the Development Bank manages the current operations of the Development Bank and is responsible for its activities.
The Chairman of the Management Board is appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Development Bank:
- he chairs the Management Board of the Development Bank, submits for its consideration the issues within the scope of competence of the Management Board;
- he signs the amendments to the Articles of Association of the Development Bank, register of the shareholders of the Development Bank, other documents required for state registration of amendments introduced into the Articles of Association of the Development Bank unless specified otherwise by legislation;
- within the scope of his competence without power of attorney acts in the name of the Development Bank by representing its interests, issuing powers of attorney and concludes deals on its behalf;
- he approves of the staff schedule of the Development Bank, engages and dismisses the Development Bank’s employees, applies commendations, takes disciplinary and financial measures against the employees of the Development Bank;
- introduces proposals to the Supervisory Board of the Development Bank regarding the composition of the Management Board;
- issues orders (directives) and gives instructions binding upon all employees of the Development Bank;
- acts on behalf of the Development Bank as a member of subsidiary and subordinate legal entities in respect of all issues related to their creation and activities except issues which according to the Articles of Association of the Development Bank are within the scope of competence of the Supervisory Board and General Shareholders’ Meeting ;
- distributes the duties between his deputies, chief accountant and executive directors;
- solves other issues of the Development Bank’s current activities which according to the Articles of Association of the Development Bank and legislation are not within the scope of exclusive competence of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, Supervisory Board of the Development Bank.